For Parents

Students Entry

Students are to arrive no earlier than 8:00 a.m. unless enrolled in SACC. On the first day of school, have your children line up at the doors closest to your classroom (look for signs at door). At 8:09 a.m. students will be greeted and escorted into school by their teacher. We ask parents to say their goodbyes at the outside doors and have their children ready to start the day when they are met by the teacher.

All Kindergarten parents and new parents to the building are invited to the cafeteria for coffee and parent information on first day of school at 8:20 a.m.

When picking up children at the end of the day, please wait for your children outside the building.

Transportation/ Traffic Flow

Violet school population walks, rides a bicycle, or rides with a parent. We encourage car pooling, if possible. We are asking parents and students riding bikes to be aware and careful of children around Violet.  Students riding bikes must be in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade only.

Always walk your bike once you are on school grounds. Bring a lock for security and please lock your bike at the bike racks in the back of the building.

 To help make Violet street traffic flow easier, please drive east from Harper and drive through the parking lot and drop your children at the sidewalk by the playground. Then continue east to Greater Mack. Please note there is no parking in front of the school on Violet Street (cars will be ticketed). For Evergreen traffic, please drive west from Greater Mack to Harper. There is no parking on Evergreen St. as well. Please do not turn around in resident’s driveways

Early Dismissal

Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day without permission from the office. If a child becomes ill or needs to leave the building, he/she is to report to the office where the parent/guardian will be notified. If the parent/guardian wishes to take the child from the school, the child must be signed out in the office. It is requested that appointments  be made after school hours or on early release dates, whenever possible.


Any visitor/volunteer is to report to the office first and sign in. Doors are locked except the front doors by the office, please enter and exit at these doors only. 

Medication Procedures

A medication request and authorization form, signed by the physician and parent, must be turned into the office before the student will be allowed to take medication during school hours. A form is available in infosnap if you need more forms they are available at the office. Please refer to elementary handbook (on line) for district medication procedures. A new form has to be completed each year.